Xeriscaping in Northern Nevada

What is Xeriscaping?

The notion of a green yard and garden full of brilliant, pleasant-smelling blossoms has dominated the way that owners envision their outdoor space. However, as more households become eco-conscious and water conservative, xeriscaping has caught on as an environmentally friendly alternative to garden design.

Xeriscaping, from the Latin for "dry" and "condition," designs your landscape to require as little water as possible. Xeriscaping considers the climate and topography, developing a system that's perfectly suited to the land. While you may picture a garden that's mostly composed of rocks and cacti, there are plenty of plants that cut water usage down.

With DRC Landscaping's eye for detail, your xeriscape garden will look every bit as beautiful and vibrant as a conventional one.


Benefits of Xeriscaping

The advantages of xeriscaping abound. Beyond needing very little water, the plants used in xeriscaping require minimal upkeep, meaning the costs associated with it are lower than in traditional landscaping.

Xeriscaping works with the surroundings, instead of against them. In most climates, a delightfully green carpet covering your yard merely is unsustainable, since the environment isn't suited to that kind of plant. By considering the native species in Northern Nevada, we create eye-catching gardens that flourish without excessive maintenance.

Another major bonus is how unique xeriscaping can be. As it differs from the more traditional garden layout, xeriscaping allows you to truly exercise your creativity in finding fascinating plants and rock formations to improve your property's natural landscape. With xeriscaping, the choices are infinite. Let's chat about your options – contact DRC Landscaping to start discussing your future garden.

Turn Your Landscaping Dreams Into a Reality

If you would like to learn more about how we can make your landscaping dreams come true, let us know what you’re interested in, and we’ll schedule a time to meet you and get you a quote.

Call us directly 775 223 2852
Email us dclark@drcreno.com